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Post  Admin Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:23 am

1. Forum Topics should be made as clearly as possible. In other words, take your time and explain what you mean clearly.

2. Members are not allowed to "attack", slander or otherwise flame fellow members. You are also not allowed to post anything that attempts to sow discontent.

3. Members that repeatedly post without following the guidelines will be place in jail (temporary ban from the forums). Habitual offenders will be permanently banned from the forums or have their accounts terminated.

4. Do not type in all capital letters. This is considered as shouting and is difficult to read as well as unsightly.

5. Refrain from making chit chat posts as they turn useful topics into bloated non-useful topics. If you wish to chat, use the chat room or private messages.

6. No advertising here about other sites or any related sites here.

7. Spamming is strictly prohibited.
SPAM is an acronym for "Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages.
Only post when necessary and all your post should be meaningful.

SPAM is an acronym for "Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages"
A post with 2 or less words
A post which is illegible
A post that makes no sense
A post with only smilies
A post with excessive use of smilies
A post with excessive use of caps (shouting)
A post with only question/exclamation-marks
A post with excessive use of question/exclamation-marks
A post with no relevance to the subject
A post only stating that the previous poster is spamming
A post repeated in same thread
A post repeated in other threads(cross-posting)
A post which is meant to insult or hurt other member's sentiments
A post with links to websites or services, not relevant to the topic
A post with no explanation of why or why not you like/do/want/etc. something
A post for no apparent reason, other than increase post count
A new thread, identical to what someone else have already started in that forum
A new thread, without a proper subject description
A post insulting or hurting any other member by means of words, pictures or graphics is also spamming.

1. Use your common sense.
2. No spamming , Avoid being offtopic.
3. Avoid using any foul and offensive words, ALL CAPS, sTiCkY cApS when posting.
4. No flamming in any form.
5. No nudity and offensive content in any post including signatures and avatars.
6. No other forum/site promotion posts.
7. The usage of multiple accounts is not allowed.
8. Multiple threads and posts with no purpose or clear direction are not allowed and will be considered as spam.
9. Use descriptive title/subject for a new thread and post it on the right forum/category. Do some search before posting a new thread, to avoid thread duplication.
10. Signatures. Don't use more than one banner. Don't make it excessive and annoying. Maximum image height for signature is 200 px. No audio or video allowed. We have the right to edit or remove objectionable signature.

Failure to follow the rules will result in swift disciplinary action from the staff, up to and including account termination. These rules apply to the Forums and Private Messages.

Posts : 42
Join date : 2010-03-15

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